Wednesday, August 25, 2010


God this has been the week from hell, kind of. My computer crashed and although most of my writing was recovered I had to use another laptop and a different program and to tell the truth I might as well sat around and twiddled my thumbs for all the good it did me. It took me that long to get used to the new program. Dan the computer man said I'd love the program. Well maybe after a week of screwing up everything and finally getting it right but in that mean time Holy God Almighty. I wanted to scream and throw the damn thing against the wall. I was sure that the computer wasn't reading my key strokes and as it turned out it wasn't because the key pad had to be stroked a little harder than this one and invariably anything hit with my little fingers didn't get the key all the way down. I was hitting the backspace key more that any other key.
Okay that's enough bitching, I need to get back to work.

Talk soon

Friday, August 13, 2010

More cool Stuff


Jena is shaping up nicely. She is so different than my first muse. Gracie was my first and you'll see her in "Day of the Dogs" "The Friday Night Poker Club" and a few others. The gal will always be tall, blue eyed, dark hair and gorgeous. That's my Gracie.
Jena is five foot on good day in heels. She's little and mean. She been through so much in the first part of her life she up and changed. She learned how to hurt people physically and use her small size to do it. She is as fast with her wit as she is with a punch to the groin. She leaves no enemy standing and has a badge on her tit so she stays out of jail. She doesn't care if it's the tit or the badge.
The bad guys will be fooled by her sweet smile and sexy aura and the way she struts her stuff. She's got the stuff and she uses it to her advantage but never where it might really count.

Talk soon,

Thursday, August 12, 2010



I just wanted everyone to know that I've found that my muse is going to be the perfect protagonist for my next novel. Physically she's right and mentally perfect to take Ross on his cross country Murphy's law tour. She's got a past that will light up the pages and give images from heart aches to laughter. She's the one I think that I can write a bunch of novels with. Can't wait to get started. This damn editing is killing me.

Talk soon,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Three C's

Hey There,

I was reading another one of James Patterson's Alex Cross novels and came across a very interesting conversation between Alex Cross and Jamilla Hughes. She was talking about a man she didn't like and that he was one of many men that practiced the three C's. Compete, Criticize and Control. My God have I met these guys and women in my life. I never was able to put it in such concise terms to make it so understandable and available to see. But WOW what an mind boggling piece of shit to deal with. I hope for every-bodies sake that if they're around that type of person that they can move on. Life isn't long enough to put up with that kind of shit. I'm sorry to be so crazed by this but I am.
I'll talk more about the novels next time and let this crap go.

Talk soon,

Monday, August 9, 2010

Love it when a plan comes together


Okay it's not all together yet but I see it coming together in my minds eye. You know that third eye that creates the things around you. Yeah there's Ross and Wanda but I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to use her real name. I may have to change it especially when she reads the first writing. Ah but that's what Word is all about. A couple of keys to stroke, put in a new name and voila. I keep learning new stuff all the time.

Talk soon

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Told me not to.

She told me not to write about her and I from a long time ago. I won't, besides not much to tell but what there is to tell are some real funny stories. The most interesting part of all of this is that she found me on face book and we hadn't seen or talked to one another since 1989. 21 years ago. Yeah I know you can count, that was for me. Damn how time flies. She's my cuz and what a cousin she is. One of the greatest ladies I know. And besides it's flooded me with all sorts of emotions that I can't really describe except that I know she's going to me my muse here for the next few novels I write. I love it. I just hope I don't piss her off with all my ranting. I love you Wanda no matter what I put in my novels. Hope you have fun with it.

Talk soon,

Friday, August 6, 2010

What a wonderful world

I think Jimmy Stewart would be having the time of his life now with all the new gadgets out on the Internet. I know I am with blogging and face book and the fact that I get to not only write novels but blogs and e-mails back to people I've known over the years.
I just was found by my cousin Wanda. She was a major highlight of my life way back when. This dates me so bad. It was at least 40 years ago that she and I went on a double date where she ended up spilling beer on the guy I had fixed her up with. Dave was not at all pleased with the result of the date. Of course while I was talking to him I was astounded by the bad behavior of my cousin. She had embarrassed me totally. Not really and God did she and I laugh at his expense. I feel bad but I still laugh at her antics. What a girl.
She was also a patient of mine while I did my thirty as a chiropractor. She had it tough for a while but she was one of the ones that taught me how to be tough in the face of extreme obstacles. The whole doctor patient thing doesn't lend to explaining any details but I can surely say that pound for pound that little girl was tough enough to survive the worst.
I admire anyone that had the odds stacked against them and then comes out the other side a better person. She was one of them. One tough bitch that my hat is off for and wanting to know more about the rest of her life. I hope she tells me as time goes on. I know there's a novel based on her brewing in this beady little brain of mine.

Talk soon,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Meeting of the Minds

Okay now I'm on the road. Traveling with my computer. I'm about 20 blocks away. Aren't I daring. And besides I'm here with the computer whiz just in case something goes wrong. God I'm free at last yes I'm free at last. Now all I need is to find a battery so that I could really be free. Then just think of all the havoc I produce. Walking and typing or typing and walking. What so you mean I can't do that. Yes I can because I built this special shoulder contraption that makes a desk right in front of me so I can type, chew gun and write too. Maybe I'm in a manic phase right now, I'm not sure but when I built that shoulder harness all I had to do was tear up my daughters baby carrying device. She was only a little mad especially since I told her that I'd give her part of the royalties from the greatest invention known to man. Okay I'll shut up and go away for today but look for me soon.

Talk soon

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just Another Morning

Yeah Right,

There's no such thing as just another morning. When you're as old as I am and you wake up again it's a novel happenstance that most of the time I never regret.
I've got my next novel in mind but I just have to keep editing or my wife is going to beat me over the head and that will cause this to be just another day. So off to work I go but this character that keeps fighting inside that neuron in my head will not be denied. His name is Ross and Murphys Law will more than apply to his life. I can tell you this much. He gets in a car wreck before he gets out of town.
I know that doesn't sound much like a hook or a teaser but it's everything to the book. And besides the best thing about it is that I didn't even know he was going to have a wreck. He just did and it puts him into an even greater downhill spin. It will be funny and maybe believable but I doubt it.

Talk soon,

Monday, August 2, 2010

Crucial but slow

For those of you that don't write I have another tidbit of information that may make sure you never do. Of course if you're a real writer and you have to do it no matter what, then this won't matter, either because you never intend to publish your work or because you want it published so bad that it doesn't make any difference the kind of pain you have to go through to make it happen.
Editing. Oh god I pray that one day I have enough money that I can pay someone to sift through all my crap that I write and make some sense out of it instead of me. I want so bad to start on my next novel. Ross is calling me to the written page. He keeps yelling at me in my head asking "When? you wasted human flesh. Stop that silly crap and get on with my life. I'm sitting in this neuron waiting and all you can do is make sure the damn comma is right. Holy God Almighty Stop!!!"
But I can't. It's part of the process of the pain it takes to make your soul suffer enough to write the Pulitzer or at least something that everyone will love to read. Damn I've got to get back to work. I have 15 novels waiting for me to edit and then there's Ross in my head. Actually he needs to shut up because the amount of crap that he's going to go through just to stay alive is mesmerizing.
Did you hear that idiot.

Talk soon.