Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Three C's

Hey There,

I was reading another one of James Patterson's Alex Cross novels and came across a very interesting conversation between Alex Cross and Jamilla Hughes. She was talking about a man she didn't like and that he was one of many men that practiced the three C's. Compete, Criticize and Control. My God have I met these guys and women in my life. I never was able to put it in such concise terms to make it so understandable and available to see. But WOW what an mind boggling piece of shit to deal with. I hope for every-bodies sake that if they're around that type of person that they can move on. Life isn't long enough to put up with that kind of shit. I'm sorry to be so crazed by this but I am.
I'll talk more about the novels next time and let this crap go.

Talk soon,

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