Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Just Another Morning

Yeah Right,

There's no such thing as just another morning. When you're as old as I am and you wake up again it's a novel happenstance that most of the time I never regret.
I've got my next novel in mind but I just have to keep editing or my wife is going to beat me over the head and that will cause this to be just another day. So off to work I go but this character that keeps fighting inside that neuron in my head will not be denied. His name is Ross and Murphys Law will more than apply to his life. I can tell you this much. He gets in a car wreck before he gets out of town.
I know that doesn't sound much like a hook or a teaser but it's everything to the book. And besides the best thing about it is that I didn't even know he was going to have a wreck. He just did and it puts him into an even greater downhill spin. It will be funny and maybe believable but I doubt it.

Talk soon,

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